We are proud to announce our partnership with the Green Salon Collective. The Green Salon Collective is the original authority on salon sustainability throughout the UK and Ireland, and we’ll be working closely with them to bring a greener future to all of our salons - continuing our commitment to being a brand with sustainability at its heart.


Recent studies have shown that the UK hairdressing industry recycles just 20% of the plastic it uses, and 99% of hair foils end up in landfill. By partnering with Green Salon Collective, Neäl & Wølf salons can recycle traditionally hard-to-recycle items including hair foils, PPE and even hair!


Green Salon Collective enables salons to become more sustainable, ethical businesses via their recycling, education and accreditation offerings. In the space of their first 6 months (July– December 20) they have helped keep the following away from landfill:


  • Recovered over 400 kilograms of hair which will be used towards cleaning our waterways and help with gardening composting projects.
  • Recycled over 2.3 tonnes of used foil and colour tubes.
  • Recovered and recycled over 230 litres of leftover colour and bleach, plus over 200 kilograms of PPE & Plastic.


In addition, all of the profits raised from the commodity sale of these recycling processes have helped support local charities such as Haircuts4Homeless, Foodcycle, The Hair & Beauty Charity and other sustainable projects such as tree planting.